Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Throughout this whole process of deciding to move to Israel, from the moment we said let’s find out what it would mean to live there, to packing our stuff and getting ready to leave, to actually living our new life in Eretz Israel, we have been amazingly surprised by people, by organizations and by a country that without any real connection to us personally, have a desire for us to succeed in our aliyah.

We have been blessed with great friends and family who have always supported us and who in this endeavor, despite the occasional “please don’t go”, have supported our decision and done whatever they can to help us. I love that we have this support, and am thankful for having it, but I must say, it isn’t entirely a surprise. I mean, if they made a decision like this, I would’ve been there packing up boxes too. However, to find people along the way that without even knowing you, want you to succeed and help you in the process, now that is a surprise. 
We have realized that as Jews, we have a country that not only opens its doors to you and gives you a nationality from the moment you set foot on its land (I come from the US, where to get a visa you have to jump through all kinds of hoops and people get deported left and right, so this is already a plus), but gives you cash as soon as you arrive in the airport and for a few months then after to help you get settled, transports you free of charge with your family and as many suitcases you decided to bring with you to your desired destination, provides you with classes so you may learn the language and provides you with countless tools to make sure you are properly absorbed into the Israeli culture. A country that does all of this so you can live happily in the land that God gave us, now, that is unbelievable. I know of no other country in the world that does this!

We have found the help of organizations like Nefesh B Nefesh, that has available everything you need to get adjusted to your new life and to help you through the process of moving. Do not make aliyah without their help! From putting together meetings with advisors about what areas to consider according to your life style and family status, to how to find an apartment and enter into contracts to rent or buy, to accounting practices, to job search, schools, everything… NBN helps ensure that your move is a success.
Through the aliyah department and our sheliaj, we found a non Jewish organization called Ebenezer, that believes in the existence of a Jewish State and that as Jews, we belong in Eretz Israel and provides both financial support and guidance to those deciding to make aliyah. I mean, isn’t this incredible? We decide to make aliyah and found a whole team of people we didn’t know existed rooting for us! This is so unbelievably exciting. I can’t wait to see what else awaits on the other side of the Atlantic!

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