Tuesday, July 16, 2013


And so this light stomach pain that feels like a mixture of an unsettled stomach, a knot and butterflies all at the same time, and that I have been feeling for the past couple of weeks as our aliyah date approaches and moving to Israel seems imminent, has today manifested in the shape of my first shed tears as our home (and what feels like our lives) is being packed into boxes. The kids’ rooms that we painted grey and pink for Ilanit and grey and blue for Nathan are now bare and breath an air of emptiness but at the same time are filled with so many memories. This hasn’t been our home for too long, but this is where our oldest son grew from a crib to a big boy’s bed and where our daughter was born. This is where we shared as a family, where we invited friends over for barbeques and shabat dinners and Passover seders. And I get it, I do, home is where the heart is, but I can’t help but feel nostalgic.

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