Friday, August 9, 2013

11:11 - It's time to go

No, our flight doesn't leave at 11:11, nor does it leave on 11/11, but lately, in fact, since we made the decision to make aliyah, I have become more and more drawn to glancing at the clock whenever it's 11:11.

Numerologists believe that events linked to the time 11:11 appear more often than can be explained by chance or coincidence. Some authors claim that seeing 11:11 on a clock signals a spirit presence. (excerpt from Wikipedia)

I have never really found any significance in this number, other than our family on my dad's side used to call this "la hora del tito" (my grandfather's hour). He always found this time "interesting" and the number always called on his attention, so much so, that two of my cousins have tattooed the number on their skin in his memory.

My grandfather (el tito) was born in Palestine. At a young age, his parents took him to Colombia to pursuit the dream of a better future. When he turned 18 years old, just as Israel was fighting for a Jewish state during the Israeli war of independence, he decided he needed to go. He left his family behind and in pursuit of an ideal that back then didn't even exist, he traveled thousands of miles to enlist in the Palmach. Zionism already traveled through our family' veins. In Israel he met my grandmother, had two of their three children and after some years moved back to Colombia.

I am not sure if it is pure coincidence or my grandfather hoorraing for us from above. I'd like to believe the second one is true. I may be fantasizing, but I'd like to believe that our decision to make aliyah is part of some great plan, part of my family's legacy being realized, my grandfather supporting our decision and making sure this time around, our moving to Israel sticks!

1 comment:

  1. Muy bonito y lleno de nostalgia. Esperamos que la hora del tito los acompañe siempre guiándolos por estos nuevos caminos que van a empezar a recorrer.
    Tu mama que te adora
